There are all types of gizmos for aerobic activity, and if you are new to the wonderful world of exercise, it can be hard for you to sort through it all.
These aerobic activity gadgets range from simple steppers, or jump ropes, to exotic machines whose function is almost impossible to sort out. The reason for all of these aerobic exercise toys is not because they are necessary, or even always useful for your exercise plan, but simply because of money. The fact is that, with the popularity of aerobic exercise, it is inevitable that people will market new fads and products that claim to make it easier, more effective, and more fun all at the same time, but all of that is nonsense. The important thing in aerobic activity is to elevate your heart rate for a sustained period of time. How you do that is entirely up to you. As long as you are exercising, you can go without the toys. That is, unless you like them in which case, I say go for it.
Some of the best forms of aerobic activity are the traditional sports. If you get together and play basketball twice a week with friends, this alone might be enough to keep you fit and healthy. The important thing is to get some kind of aerobic activity, and to make it something that you enjoy enough to keep with it. Personally, my favorite aerobic activity is one that quite a few experts have agreed is one of the most healthy forms of exercise workouts: I love swimming. The advantage of swimming is that it works the whole body at once. Most exercises, such as running or soccer, only work the legs, or at most only partially work the upper body, but when you swim there is no part of you that is not getting some kind of a workout. This is great for you, and in addition, there is no impact. Running will wear out your knees, as will many other of the popular aerobic activities, but swimming does not compress the joints, so there is no compromise to the health benefits that it holds. I love this aerobic activity, but it might not be the right one for you. The best advice I have is to join a gym for a month. This will let you try out lots of different aerobic exercises and find out which ones you like.